The History of PleasrDAO and the DOGE NFT

young crypto wolf
2 min readDec 27, 2021

PleasrDAO is pushing the envelope when it comes to fractionalizing art ownership.

Originally created to pool together enough capital to purchase pplpleasr’s Uniswap V3 NFT.


PleasrDAO sees the significance of not only an artist but also something that was a huge milestone in the DeFi world. DeFi meets NFTs meets community 🤯

It was the purchase of Uniswap’s V3 that planted the seed and grew PleasrDAO. Today PleasrDAO is a collective of early NFT collectors and digital artists who have created culturally significant pieces.

Blockchain technology is pushing the boundaries of what we call art. More than a collectible.

The History of PleasrDAO & Doge NFT

Doge, a Shiba Inu dog meme has undoubtedly become one of the most loved memes in this decade. What started off as a simple meme has now become a part of the crypto culture.

Photo by Executium on Unsplash

In June of this year, Atsuko Sato, the owner of the famous Doge mints the original photo as an NFT. What started off as a bidding war ended with a victory for the PleasrDAO community.

Crypto giants like Andrew Kang were also involved, ultimately joining the PleasrDAO as a member and contributing to the winning bid with 100 ETH.

Together PleasrDAO contributed 1696 ETH to add the original photo to their crypto culture collection.

The Doge NFT Today

Today, the Doge NFT is fractionalized into a billion pieces to be shared with the community. Anyone can own a piece of history using to purchase some $DOG tokens.

Owners of the Doge get benefits on and off-chain. Access to a Doge discord comes along with being a member as well.

Valuation of the Doge NFT is voted on by the ownership members. If the NFT is sold at any moment, token holders will be able to trade their tokens at a price proportional to that of the sale.

Experienced and Written By young crypto wolf🌕

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